Monday, April 28, 2008

Back at the Gym

Can't say I was thrilled getting out of bed 6 AM this morning. First of all I couldn't really sleep. Couldn't fall asleep properly and the whole night was more like snoozing than sleeping. I kept waking up for no appearant reason and was like a zombie when the alarm sounded.

Got in to the gym on time, and a very healthy looking person met me inside "All awake and ready for the work-out?" to which I grunted "No, but I'm here".

It's been over a year since I did any regular excerise. Been too busy, then too lazy, too busy again, too bored and too full of it all. But now I can no longer put things off. I have to get back into something more human looking. My behind is actually starting to look like the seat at my work. It works, but it ain't much to use when outdoors walking.

So here I sit in my office chair feeling the pain come. I know it'll be at least a six weeks long period of pain until I'm back in a more decent shape. There will be pain and painkillers knowing that on the other side of those initial six weeks there will be more pain, but more normal muscle pain. And it's OK. It will be much better than where I am now.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Hey Dolly, I just heard recently that the breastfeeding rate in Sweden is 94%. It's gone up to 43 from 35 in the last 5 years in Ireland - but that's only on leaving the hospital.

If you'd ever like to write a guest post for my blog on how the system works in sweden, and why the uptake is so high, that would be wonderful!

Jo x