Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday blues

I'm at work just waiting for rush-hour to end. It usually is heavy at this hour, but now it has become insane. The infamous road construction period started yesterday and now all roads leading to/from work/home are jammed. I've just decided to leave my car at home tomorrow and enjoy(?) the company of morons commuting instead.

I'm fed up. With traffic. With work. With living on the other side of the city. With having an oversized flat.

How fun am I? Well, tbh, right now I'm not very much fun at all. And worst thing is I cannot even think of what would be much fun. I guess it is a sign of needing a long vacation. Or more money. Or maybe just change in general.

Hmm... I just failed luring Keith out for a beer. (Can't blame him really). Worse failure however is that my standard Monday-evening-beer-drinking-buddy seems to consider driving his car home instead of having a drink with me. But NO! Excellent, he came to his senses and is now about to put his *ss on the train and head for the city.


Anonymous said...

Ah this is a phase you are going through, I get this way quite a bit, just climb out of that hole and happiness abounds. That was all bullshit btw.

dolly said...

Thanks anyway! :-)