Thursday, April 5, 2007

Friends - to do or not to do

Some thoughts on terms related to friends and sex

I know people who say they still manage to stay friends with their ex-partners. Now, that has never been me. Either I still wanted to shag them (i.e. I was dumped) or they still wanted to shag me. And never liked the idea of drinking my coffee with one hand while trying to guard my privates with the other. (Makes me think of dogs humping your leg. You would not want to be friends with that, would you? And even worse(!) you would not want to BE that dog, right?)

But, right now I am managing to stay friends with my latest ex. And I'm convinced it is partially related to the fact that we broke up due to lack of shagging. Well, obviously not the only reason but it was definately part of the problem. Anyhow, for the last 4-ish months we've enjoyed dinners and coffees, seen movies and helped each other out with everyday life things like shopping for new furnitures and feeding the cat when off skiing. Love it!
However, I am pretty sure this new friendship of ours will be affected when a new partner comes in to one of our lives. But I'm both happy and proud that we are managing to keep the friendship up. In so many ways he makes me a better person.

Now this sounds too cool to be true. I have heard so many people speak of having/being "just shag-mates" but to be honest, there has always been something in those stories that turns out to be less cool. Such as broken hearts (one of them will fall in love), or disgust (for self or the other giving it up too easily) and even personality changing (not liking the person they shag, but manage to put that out of their minds just to get laid).
I still like the idea though. The whole no-strings-attached thing. Just can't see it working for me.

To me a friend is someone you love but do not shag. But after checking out what Webster says I realize I am more describing one of the many *activities* I would not engage in with someone I call a Friend.
The topic was briefly discussed in a hotel room two days ago. Two mates of mine (too tired/drunk to sit up) lay on the beds while I was enjoying the champagne I found in the mini-bar, sitting in the only good chair just watching them. And there they were discussing if it was possible to have sex with a friend or not. And it turns out one of them obviously used to think you could, but had changed opinion after talking to me. I wish I'd keep my mouth shut more often.


Idiot said...

Haha! As a fellow singleton I hear you loud and clear. Here in Dublin we call them f**k buddies. I am on the constant lookout for one but agree that could end up a nightmare situation. As for having sex with a friend? No. The chance of losing a friendship over a sudden horny urge is just silly.What was that phrase you use?? Porver?? ;) Keeps things simple!!

dolly said...

Right... porfing. Too bad it just doesn't do it for me. But enjoy!